• Audiobook All In One!

    This is the All Inclusive service. With this service, I work with you through every stage of the process, from raw recorded files to fully completed masters in MP3 or WAV formats. We start by getting your 15 minute checkpoints mastered. I provide TWO options for mastering so you can choose the editing chain YOU like the sound of so you have direct input into the finished product beyond just the narration. This is the package that includes all the editing, proofing, and mastering services mentioned! This is the service that allows you to be the Narrator and lets you focus on the performance.

    If you have certain noise or studio quality concerns, please contact me about those prior to starting the audiobook. Once the audiobook recording begins, do not change anything about your setup because that can change your sound!

    Punch and Rolled Audio Only: $95 Per Finished Hour, $100 minimum, with one round of revisions per chapter.

    NOTE: A final Doc or PDF file must be provided and I will utilize the document send at the beginning of the process only. If the Rights Holder changes the documents through the process then additional PFH fees will be added to rework those chapters.

  • Audiobook Editing

    I carefully go over your raw Punch and Roll only recorded audio files, eliminating most unwanted clicks, sounds, pops, and offensive-sounding gasps. I also value the performance, so I edit for timing. I focus on making sure the performance sounds natural with normal breathing, minor lip clicks, and pauses that are good for the drama of the story.

    $50 Per Finished Hour, $50 minimum, Punch and Rolled audio only, single service offering.

  • Audiobook Proofing

    My wife and I listen carefully to the audio, checking for any misreads, mispronunciations, words that have been partially or entirely left out, and noises that cannot be remedied through editing such as large thumps or noises that are mixed within the dialogue. I utilize Pozotron as an extra set of 'ears' and create all of the notes within that software, so you have easy-to-read instructions all in one location.

    $50 Per Finished Hour, $50 minimum.

  • Audiobook Mastering

    With mastering, I will make slight tweaks to the audio to provide the highest quality through whatever device is used by the listener. I'm also ensuring that everything fulfills the technical criteria of ACX or whichever publisher you're working through. Typically, this comprises an RMS of -18 to -23db, peaks of -3 or less, and a noise floor of -60 to -90db in MP3 mono format. I will utilize a variety of plug-ins from WAVES, IZOTOPE, and Universal Audio to craft a polished final sound.

    Single File Formatting: $25

    Entire Book: $25 per Finished Hour, $50 minimum

  • Sound Consulting

    Perhaps you are new to voiceover. Maybe you upgraded your setup. Or maybe you have relocated and need to reorganize things. A second ear is always a valuable tool during first sound checks. I have many choices available:

    The “Am I Hearing What I Think I’m Hearing” $Free.99!!

    This is the quickest way for me to help you and get you an answer. This is for the simplest things like if there is a noise, hiss, ring or some other sound in the audio. I’ll take a listen to your raw, unedited file OR mastered file and give feedback on possible improvements.

    The “Can You Tell Me What’s Wrong?” $50 per hour.

    This is where we get on Zoom or Google Meet and go around your space, through your DAW, through your files and see if we can eleviate a specific problem. This is also where we work together to craft your editing plugins, setup keyboard shortcuts, etc.

    The “I Just Got My Stuff, What Now?” 3 pack of calls for $125!

    This is a perfect package for a newer voiceover talent who just got their gear and want some B.S.-less answers about their space and/or how to set it up. We will start with a setup call, usually a Zoom call of 30-45 minutes where we discuss the space you have to record in and what you plan to do for treating it. You’ll send me a raw, unedited 30 second WAV recording of the space at your normal talking level and I will provide feedback. Call 2 is about using your DAW (I can help with Adobe Audition, Audacity, and REAPER only). Call 3 is about helping you understand whatever may be stumping you.

  • ACX Contract Links

    Here are the three contracts that we will utilize once we begin producing a book together!